Cloning or copying your Swell events is fast and easy. In this Just 1 Thing from Swell we'll walk you through how to do it, the reasons you might want to consider using this feature, and a few tips.
Here's what we talked about:
- What is copied/cloned from a prior year event?
- Why Should You Consider Cloning an Event Instead of Starting from Scratch?
- How to clone?
- What to do if it’s an archived event?
- Tips and Best Practices
What Is Copied Over?
When you clone an event, everything except transactional data is copied. Your new site will use the same URL (web address) as your old event and the old event will be archived. The new event will automatically be populated with your payment processor settings, customizations, branding images, products, emails, content pages, and sponsors.
Why Should You Consider Cloning an Event Instead of Starting from Scratch?
By copying a previous campaign you'll save time and make sure donors and guests don't accidentally land on an old link.
How to Clone an Event
Copying an event is really easy! Just click the copy button next to it on your event list. Here's how in more detail:
You might also find these other articles from the help guide helpful:
What happens when I copy (clone) a previous campaign?
How to Copy, Edit, and Launch a Repeat Event
When You Need Our Help:
Right now, the only way you can move an event into your archives is by cloning it and you won't be able to unarchive an event yourself. We're always happy to help! Reach out to us at with the name of the event you want to move.
Tips and Best Practices
When you're creating an event for the first time, there are two things you can do to be kind to your future self so you're ready to launch your copied events even faster:
- Leave the year out of your URL.
- Use merge tags in the Email Editor instead of typing out your event name or date.
When you're getting things ready the next year,
- Add new content for this year's event, but keep your content from previous years by moving it to a different content page. Here's an example.
- Edit your emails and take a look at your products to make sure everything is set up just like you want it to be for the current year.
- Give your sponsors the time they need by launching your cloned event 6 months to a year out.
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