In this Just 1 Thing from Swell, Brooke walked everyone through how using the Swell/Bloomerang integration. If you have a Swell license and use Bloomerang as your CRM, you'll want to watch this helpful guide.
Article Guide:
Video and Transcript
AI-Generated Transcript from this Just 1 Thing
Today's Agenda
Setting Up a Sync
Start by logging into your Swell dashboard.
Choose your event and then head over to the Integrations Tab in the left-hand menu.
Next, confirm your settings and make any adjustments before the sync.
Once your fund, campaign, and appeal are selected, click the "Run Matching Scan" button. This provides a preliminary comparison between the data in your Swell event and your Bloomerang records. Review and fix your matches before running the actual sync.
Now it's time to sync your data between Swell and Bloomerang. Click the "Sync to Bloomerang" button to send your data from Swell to Bloomerang.
Here's What That Looks Like in Bloomerang
Swell records are matched to Bloomerang by first name, last name, and email address. If a match does not already exist in Bloomerang, a new record will be created. Any transaction over $0.00 creates a donation in the timeline activity for the constituent. The date will be the transaction date from Swell and the notes field will include the type of transaction.
All records associated with a ticket create an interaction in the constituent record in Bloomerang.
Best Practices and Tips
- Create appeals/campaigns in Bloomerang that align with your Swell campaigns so your data is easy to find.
- Sync your event's data periodically to update your constituent records in Bloomerang. Don't worry, if a Swell transaction has already been synced, it won't create a duplicate record in Bloomerang.
- Create a process for handling the recording of offline transactions.
- Build a workflow for donors or guests who are interacting with you for the first time through your Swell event so you can begin nurturing those new relationships.
Resources from this Just 1 Thing:
How to Connect Your Swell and Bloomerang Accounts
What data transfers to Bloomerang and where is it stored?
Need a Bloomerang Demo? Email Blake Kaldahl
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