The ticket form requires a person's first name, last name, email address, and phone number.
Here's an example:
If you want to collect additional information from your guests like their company name for your name tags, menu selection, or t-shirt sizes, email support to ask for help. We'll need to know if you want the extra field to be a text box or radio selection, what you'd like it to say, and which event you're working on.
Here's an example of what that could look like with an open text box (asking for a company name):
This next example uses radio buttons for t-shirts, but it could also be used for menu choices:
Please note: Customizations like these apply to all of your event's tickets.
While we can't add more than one of these fields on tickets, we can add a place for a waiver that applies to the entire ticket checkout page. It appears below the order summary section of the checkout page like this:
Need help? Email us. We'll need to know which event you're working on, what kind of field you'd like, and what you want the field to say.
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