CONTENT can be found under SETUP
Here you personalize your event website.
An automatic "home" tab will be set up for you- with the URL "index." You can't delete or rename the index page, but you can change any of your other page URLs and/or tab names.
Note: Before you launch your event site, you'll need to edit the Home/Index page to remove the default text that says "HOME."
You can add as many tabs as you want and change the names, order, etc.
1. Hit the "add new" button (the plus sign)
2. Add the tab URL name
This is the URL extension that will show up and be unique to each tab
3. Add your tab name (what will show on your site)
4. Choose the "sort order" for which you want your tabs to appear
5. Mark the checkbox "active" if you're ready to see it on the site!
6. ONLY mark the box "hidden" if you do not want the tab to be seen from the site
*You would use this for pages/links you only want to share with certain people EX: volunteer information, junior board resources, etc.
*You can also use this if you want separate pages for multiple Honorees. Make each of the honorees a page, but hide it from the tab menu, and simply link it to your homepage or honorees page)
To edit, select the “edit" button (pen and paper icon) on the right-hand
To delete a tab, select the "X" icon
To add a video, select the "link" button
To add a picture, select the image option
P.S. If having trouble uploading images, check the size! If the image file is too large- it will not upload (professional photos are often too large).
If you want to add fundraising instructions, we've got some HERE!
Add pictures from previous events
Add informative videos
Include ticket information
Include/prizes/auction items
List the suggested dress code
List the menu/drink options
Add pictures and bios of honorees
Make it fun!
Make it personal!
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