There is a transaction fee associated with all product purchases (tickets, tables, and sponsorships) and donations made through Swell. Go to your event's Fee Coverage section to manage who pays these fees.
There are 3 options:
- Absorb the Fees- When you choose this option, the processing and platform fee will be completely invisible to your donors/attendees. It will be deducted from the amount distributed to you.
- Allow Donors/Attendees to Choose- When you choose this option, your donors/guests will see the processing and platform fees and choose whether or not to pay them. This promotes transparency and enables your supporters to directly contribute to helping cover your costs.
- Require Donors/Attendees to Cover the Fees- When you choose this option, you'll show the processing and platform without offering your donors/attendees a choice. This option ensures that the fee is covered by the donor/attendee.
The option currently selected is indicated by the white "selected" button under it. Click the blue "select" button
under one of the other options to choose that option instead.
The option you choose will be reflected on all of your checkout pages (donation, ticket, and table).
Here's what they would look like on the "give now"/donation checkout page:
Absorb the Fees
Allow Donors/Attendees to Choose
Require Donors/Attendees to Cover the Fees
!!Don't forget!! You can choose other options for your checkout pages like gift crediting in the settings section of setup.
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