When you click on tables/teams in the left-hand menu, there are two ways to view all of your tables or teams, list view and table view. To get started, click Tables/Teams from the left-hand menu.
The default view is List View. Here's what it looks like:
In this view, you can see your table/team names, table number if you've numbered your tables, the table/team type and cost, as well as how many total seats are available, confirmed, unconfirmed, and empty.
By using the icons inline with each table, you can also visit the table's fundraising page, invitation page, email the host, or delete the table.
The top menu bar of this view gives you even more options.
- Switch to Table View: Toggles between table and list view.
- Re-invite all unconfirmed guests: Resends the invitation email to any guests who have not yet confirmed.
- Refresh icon: Refreshes the view.
- Download icon: Downloads the table/team report.
- Green plus sign icon: Lets you create a new table or team
By clicking the button, you can change the way you see information about your tables or teams. Table View allows you to see all of your tables/teams and guests at the same time. Here's what that looks like:
Each card in this view represents a table/team.
By clicking on the items at the top of the card, you can update your tables just like you can in list view.
The blue name and number at the top is the table/team name and number. Clicking it allows you to edit details like the host name, table name, and table number. You can also resend the host email from here.
If you've made edits here, make sure to click one of the save buttons. Save with the no symbol will save your changes without sending an email to the host while save with the envelope will save your changes and resend the host email. Clicking close will return you to table view without saving any changes.
There are two other icons on each card. This one brings up the table's guest list so you can add/remove guests. This one
refreshes the guest list for that particular table/team. You'll also see the same refresh symbol at the top of Table View. Clicking it there will refresh the entire view.
The bottom half of each card is the table's guest list.
To return to list view at any time, click the button in the top menu.
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