Once the overall synchronization settings are submitted, Swell will organize all of the campaign/event data for your initial review.
How does Swell organize the data?
(1) Swell looks for the first name, last name, and email address on all transactions greater than $0 and tickets associated with the campaign/event.
(2) It organizes multiple transactions/tickets by name to consolidate the list per constituent. The transactions associated with each Swell contact can be reviewed through the hyperlinked word in the transaction type column shown here as "Multiple (click for details)".
This provides an initial opportunity for nonprofits to review the data that the Swell system will push into Bloomerang.
What are the next steps?
(1) Click Run Matching Scan - this process DOES NOT send data to Bloomerang.
The Run Matching Scan process looks at your Bloomerang database and matches the Swell contact with the Bloomerang contact. It will look for similar contacts (i.e. the same first/last but different emails) and provide you with an alert if the contact is a partial match. In this step, the Swell system works hard to reduce the opportunity for duplicate entries.
(2) Fix Match
For each contact, the Swell system will show the Bloomerang constituent record that matches the Swell Contact and provides an opportunity for the nonprofit to Fix the Match and map that information to another constituent record on the Bloomerang system.
(3) Don't Sync
For this setting, nonprofits can choose not to sync data showing on the Swell dashboard
Once you go through the records and determine that the data match is set, click Sync to Bloomerang.
This is the point where data is actually (and finally) pushed into the Bloomerang donor database.
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